As I’ve mentioned here once, or twenty, times, the publishing world moves slowly. A book that sells today won’t see a store shelf for at least two years. My next picture book with Corinna Luyken, SOMETHING GOOD*, comes out this September, but sold three years ago. I remember when I heard it wouldn’t be out […]
Hopeful Gifts
Like pretty much everyone, I’ve been in a bit of a funk, and the end of the year means heaps of melancholy, hooray! On that note, I’d say the absolute best Christmas song is “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” because it pokes at that holiday sadness and acknowledges loss, which we’ve experienced so much […]
Scissors, Markers, and a New Book
With my first middle-grade novel ready to come out in the spring (RULE OF THREES! May 2021! From Chronicle!), I’m focusing on Novel #2 with a process that requires scissors, markers, and a retreat into my attic. Writers often get asked about our “process.” Every writer has a different one, and writers might have different […]
During these past couple weeks, I’ve made huge progress on my next middle-grade novel and also put a collage of photos up in our newly painted stairwell. Seemingly very different projects, no? I actually found many similarities, which really spoke to my love of finding patterns. The stairwell collage is something I’ve wanted to do […]
Writing at Turtle-Speed
One of the hardest things I’ve had to learn in the publishing business is patience. I’m not a patient person by nature, and I wasn’t prepared for how slooooowly things move in this industry. For example, if I sold a picture book manuscript today, you wouldn’t see it on the shelves for two or three […]
Adrian Simcox Wins the Huckepack Prize!
I’m so thrilled to announce that the German edition of “Adrian Simcox Does NOT Have a Horse,” has won the Huckepack Prize! From the award announcement: “HUCKEPACK (which means piggyback) focuses on picture books that build a special bridge from the grown-up reader to the child being read to, “piggyback” here standing as a symbol […]
Stepping Back
For Mother’s Day, I received two things I wanted very badly: coconut cream pie, and time alone. My husband took our kids on a bike ride for the afternoon, and I puttered around the house enjoying the silence, something we haven’t had much of these last two months. Adding to the external noise is all […]
Obligatory Deep-Thought Stay-at-Home Post
I honestly wish I could write about anything else. I tried. But anything else seems trite right now when everything we do is impacted by this virus. I promised myself that I’d write a blog post once a month, even if no one reads it but my dog, so I’m giving it a try. People […]