The More You Give (and others)
Thank you to Ryan Van Cleave for hosting me at the Only Picture Books blog. This was a really wide-ranging interview, touching on the inspiration for some of my books, how I got my agent, the special skills I have that no one knows about, and so, so, much more! Take a look!
Something Good
Thank you to Victoria Stapleton at Little, Brown Young Readers for interviewing me on the Little, Brown podcast. Victoria is a wonderful interviewer, and we did a really deep dive on the origin of the book, why I made the writing choices I did, as well as how I became a children’s author in the first place. Take a listen.
It’s so fascinating to hear an artist describe her process! Here’s a video interview of Corinna Luyken in which she shares how she made the art for SOMETHING GOOD!
Rule of Threes
I loved being interviewed on the Reading Middle Grade blog about writing tricky subjects for a middle-school audience.
Deborah Kalb and I talked about “finding harmony in the imperfect” on her blog.
Adrian Simcox Does NOT Have a Horse
I was so honored to have Adrian Simcox Does NOT Have a Horse featured on the wonderful blog, “Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast.” This is a very detailed interview in which I discuss the evolution of the book, and Corinna Luyken discusses the evolution of her illustrations for the book (complete with many of her wonderful sketches). Thank you to Julie Danielson for having us on the blog. Julie writes, “This is a promising debut for Marcy, and what Corinna does in these illustrations is a sight to see — particularly, what she does with negative space.”
Adrian Simcox Does Not Have a Horse:A Visit with Marcy Campbell and Corinna Luyken
Many thanks to the blog, Lost in Storyland, for interviewing me and Corinna! Are we more like Chloe or Adrian? Read to find out.
We had a few challenges to solve in creating the book, too. Check out our interview on Kid Lit Frenzy.
I talk about my creative process (and reveal my favorite 80s movie) at The Critter Lit.
The Classroom Connections blog interviewed me about the evolution of the book and how it fits into the classroom.