Listen, there are all sorts of ways to procrastinate when you’re supposed to be writing. Yesterday, for example, I took an extra long trip to Aldi, cruising slowly down the aisles to pick up the things the kids need in their lunches that my husband forgot to buy when he helpfully did the shopping on Sunday.
Also, I baked a cake! It’s in the oven right now! Mmmmm that’s going to be good…
If you’ve read this blog before, you know that in addition to arranging words on paper, I enjoy arranging items in my home. This means I’m always redecorating a room. You’d think I’d have the whole house done by now (it’s a small-ish house and we’ve lived here 10 years) but you would be wrong. I’ve only now gotten around to re-doing my 11-year-old son’s room.
When we started talking about the re-do many months ago, he had some requests. He wanted a loft bed, wanted green and blue stripes on the wall, and wanted his Nerf items hung up on display.
I gave a big thumbs-up to the loft. His room is small, and the previous set-up, with a twin bed and two large dressers left him little room to move around. I was cool with the stripes, though insisted I’d only do one wall, and when he picked the blue and green out of some paint swatches and they clashed horribly, I secretly chose a slightly different green thinking he wouldn’t notice (he did, but so many people have complimented him on the wall that he’s okay with it now). I wasn’t too keen on the Nerf wall, but it is his room, not mine, and I finally agreed, as long as I could make it look somewhat nice, and he agreed to keep everything hung up.
Here are some “after” pictures of the room. I stupidly forgot to take any “before” pictures, sorry. I should really know better by now.

I’m currently working on painting and reorganizing my daughter’s closet, which I’d left off the to-do list when she had her own room re-do. Then, I’ll be tackling our tiny entry and stairwell, where I plan to hang many photos of long-lost relatives.

I’m also writing books. In fact, I just sold my fifth! It’s a picture book called “The More You Give.” My next book to hit the shelves, however, is titled “The Rule of Threes,” which will be published by Chronicle Books next spring. It’s a novel for middle school students, and the protagonist has an interior design business. I wonder where she got that idea…