The countdown to publication continues with this blog post from The Readathon! The reviewer mentions that my book reminded her of the book, “The Hundred Dresses” by Eleanor Estes because of its storyline about children being judgmental and its focus on issues of economic class. It’s not the first time I’ve heard this comparison. The crazy thing is that I hadn’t read that Estes’ book since I was a child. I wasn’t thinking about it as I wrote my book. I was thinking more about the lovely book, “Last Stop on Market Street” by Matt de la Pena and Christian Robinson and its message of empathy. However, “The Hundred Dresses” was one of the very few books I bought from the Scholastic Books order form that came home every month. I was so jealous of kids who got books every single month. I got, maybe, one a year. When my editor mentioned the book, I went to the attic and found it in a box of some of my school things. I immediately re-read it, and the comparison made a lot of sense. I wonder whether that book and its message had been lodged there someplace in my subconscious all those years!