Dear readers, I must confess something: I’ve been moonlighting, stepping out of my writing closet to work on something much bigger than my novel, bigger than any of my writing projects.
I’m building a playground.
Let me take a step back. My two kids attend a public elementary school with a woefully inadequate playground. I’m involved in the school’s parent-teacher organization (PTO). When teachers approached the PTO for help with the playground, a friend of mine stepped forward to investigate things. Soon, I and another friend, hopped on board. That was 2 ½ years ago (or, according to a misprint in a recent article, 212 years ago…and sometimes it feels like that).
I’m not going to give you all the details of this project, but suffice it to say, it has turned into a huge undertaking involving committees and proposals and construction drawings, and wine, and crying and laughing, and throwing things, and embracing, and more wine, eventually resulting in the plan for an outdoor learning and play environment like no other.
What I want to talk about is the party we had last week, because it was an incredible party. We were
Don't feel bad for imagining book launch parties–I've been interviewed by Terry Gross on "Fresh Air" so many times I could take up residence in her studio!
Second, big congratulations on the work you've done for the playground! It's amazing how convoluted the process can be, and all the little regulations you never knew existed. I hope the kids in your community will be able to enjoy it for years to come (and, hopefully, your kids are still young enough to use it!). Way to go!
Oh, I forgot Terry Gross! I've been on her show as well;)