What could you do with a few bucks, a cast-off dresser and a whole lot of swearing?* Why, you could create a fabulous DIY project!
So, a friend of mine took off and moved to Texas, and I’ll never forgive her, but as a lovely parting gift, she gave me her daughter’s dresser because, you know, when you’re moving to fancy-pants Austin, you can’t be bothered with such un-cool things as old orange dressers from Ohio.
Note: When anyone offers me old furniture, I pretty much say “yes.” Friends also call me on trash morning to report various items out by the curbs. Yes, when friends think of trash, they think of me.
But back to the dresser. I had begun a beautiful bedroom renovation, and knew I needed a dresser, having recently sold our hideous, Tuscan-style bedroom suite on Craigslist for a price I posted with hilarious laughter and then actually received. I knew my dresser had to serve double-duty as both a holder of clothing and a nightstand because I had eaten up a chunk of the room’s available floor space by adding a seating area.
wow Marcy! I did a project that entailed de-constructing my former oak entertainment thing-y. Bought an extremely inexpensive glass, black metal modern looking tv stand, to get rid of a space hog.
as I looked at it, hmmm.. took out my drill, took off the doors, hinges, tore out a few boards and then flipped it on end.,.. it became a book shelf.. HA ha ha… should have taken photos of that project.
Yes! Always take photos! I learned that the hard way.
You'd never guess this was the same piece of furniture! The contact paper insert really sets it apart and makes it unique. As a DIYer myself, I'd be interested in seeing more of your projects. Thank you!
Thanks, Cheryl! It does make a big difference for a very small cost. And if you get tired of the pattern, it's easy to remove and change!